Ideas for personal fundraising

Which of your hobbies and skills could you use to raise funds to improve the lives of horses, donkeys and mules around the world? Find inspiration below!

There are many ways you can support Brooke from the comfort of your home – and below are some ideas to get you started. Please get in touch with us and tell us what you are planning to do or if you have any other ideas you’d like to share. We’d love to hear from you!

Knit & Craft for Brooke

Could you knit, crochet or craft for Brooke? Take a look at all of our wonderful pattern packs on offer here.

Maybe you would like to create your own donkey? Or maybe you'd like to make a donation for a pack and gift it to someone special?

Join the Brooke crafting movement today!

Pledge Your Birthday

Share your birthday with working equines in an extra special way. This year, instead of birthday presents, ask for donations to Brooke.  Set up a fundraiser on Facebook or collect and send us your donations!

Set a Personal Challenge

Be creative and set yourself a challenge, and ask your friends and family to sponsor you online. Give up your favourite food for three months? Do 100 sit-ups every day for a month? Walk your dog three miles a day?

Whatever you do, make sure you set up an online JustGiving page and raise as much as you can for Brooke. It’s free!

Have a Clear-Out

If you are stuck at home this could be the perfect time to declutter and have a clear-out. Remember one person’s trash is another person’s treasure! Once completed, you could either sell items online through platforms such as eBay, or keep them for a future car boot sale, donating the funds to Brooke.

Hold a Virtual Quiz

Get your friends together ‘virtually’ and hold a quiz through Skype, Zoom, Facetime or Google Hangouts.

To participate in the quiz, charge your friends a fee which you will then donate to Brooke.

You could ask friends to send you a photo of their answer sheets after each round to ensure no one can cheat when self-marking.

Creating a quiz can be just a fun as taking part, and knowing it's for a good cause adds to the feel-good factor! If you don’t want to write your own, you can download our equine-themed quiz here!

Get the kids involved by downloading and printing off our Children’s Activity Sheet.

Donate When You Shop Online

Don’t forget you can still raise funds for Brooke from the comfort of your own home when you shop online. Shop at your favourite stores via Give as you Live, TheGivingMachine and Brooke will receive a donation when you make a purchase.

Do your own thing

Want to do your own thing to support Brooke? Take a look at some ideas. And see our volunteer handbook.