Annual Report and accounts 2022/23
Review our performance in our latest annual report and accounts. Reaching further than ever.
We helped over 1.4 million working horses and donkeys directly, and 4.2 million indirectly
In the first full year of our new strategy, we worked hard in a challenging year towards our three strategic goals
Reach beyond reach
In our latest Annual Report you can find out how we directly helped over 1.4 million working horses, donkey and mules. Also this year we’ve been able to measure our indirect impact for the first time. Over four million working horses, donkeys and mules have benefitted from our policy work with governments and international organisations, and from our training work.
A growing movement for change
Every person working, supporting, trained and influenced by Brooke is a member of our movement for change. We all want to create a life worth living for working horses, donkeys and mules around the world. Every positive action takes us closer to our goal.
Tackling emergencies
In 2022/23 we put a big focus on helping communities prepare for and build resilience to emergencies. Climate related emergencies are becoming more common, and working animals are critical for people’s survival. Brooke’s teams are ready to act, providing emergency supplies when disaster strikes, such as in the Pakistan floods in late 2022. After the initial response, we helped communities get back on their feet, helping to rebuild shelters and water points.
We also prepare for the future. We worked with multiple governments in Latin America and the Carribean to make sure working horses and donkeys are included in disaster response schemes.
Working towards our goals over the next year
Spending money wisely
The current cost of living crisis is affecting everything. Thanks to our dedicated supporters, our income is holding up well. Increased inflation in our countries of operation could affect the scale of our reach. The Board and senior leadership team will make sure that our financial planning is prudent. We will prioritise the wellbeing of working horses, donkeys and mules, so that if our income is reduced, we can still deliver on vital programmes of work.
It’s thanks to you
In these challenging times, we are enormously thankful for the ongoing loyalty of every one of our supporters. It is only because you dedicate time, creativity and much-needed funds that we can ensure working horses, donkeys and mules around the world have a life worth living. Thank you for being part of our movement for change.